Watching bad television... wading through laundry... contemplating the Pole Dancing workout class scheduled for this evening. Oh Teens, what have you gotten us into? :) It's okay, I know we'll have a blast.
I've also made the decision to have my lip ring removed. It hasn't quite healed as it should have and although I love how it looks, I'm just done with the swelling and pain.
I am on Day 3 of this strict nutrition plan and I'm finally feeling back to normal. The first few days were a tad headachy and grouchy but today feels fine.
I utilize this extremely helpful website called Sparkpeople to keep track of everything I eat and it's working out really well. Just to get an idea of how the website works and what I've been eating, here is yesterday's consumption:
Basically, it's 11 days on a moderate calorie, moderate fat and 20 carbs a day regimine. This will give me a jump start before I begin the Body For Life plan: 6 small meals a day (carb & protein balanced), 6 days a week of exercise and 1 free day free-for-all. I participated in this program about 5 years back and lost over 40 pounds. It's definitely the most healthy of all nutrition/weight loss plans and if you can stick with it, the results are wonderful.
Thanks to everyone for all your support and encouragement. I aim to make you proud.
Today marks Day 1 of a very strict eating plan that Paul and I have devised. We'll be keeping with this one for the next two weeks and then I'm back to Body For Life.
I can do this and I need to. I spent some time this weekend uploading photos from 2004-2005 and realizing how far I've let myself go.
“I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.” -Amy Tan